parulidaephotos: Ocean view
parulidaephotos: Purple Martin
parulidaephotos: Purple Martin
parulidaephotos: Black throated Blue Warbler
parulidaephotos: Northern Parula
parulidaephotos: Northern Parula
parulidaephotos: Common Yellowthroat
parulidaephotos: Black and White Warbler
parulidaephotos: Palm Warbler 'western'
parulidaephotos: Ovenbird
parulidaephotos: Ovenbird
parulidaephotos: Ovenbird
parulidaephotos: Solitary Sandpiper
parulidaephotos: White Ibis
parulidaephotos: Anhinga on nest
parulidaephotos: Pied billed Grebe
parulidaephotos: Blue winged Teal
parulidaephotos: Green Heron
parulidaephotos: Green Heron
parulidaephotos: Black bellied Whistling Duck
parulidaephotos: Black bellied Whistling Duck
parulidaephotos: Least Bittern
parulidaephotos: Least Bittern
parulidaephotos: Least Bittern
parulidaephotos: Least Bittern
parulidaephotos: Least Bittern
parulidaephotos: Least Bittern
parulidaephotos: Northern Parula with nesting material