parulidaephotos: Blue gray Gnatcatcher
parulidaephotos: Yellow breasted Chat
parulidaephotos: Yellow breasted Chat
parulidaephotos: Tufted Titmouse
parulidaephotos: Downy Woodpecker
parulidaephotos: Great Egrets
parulidaephotos: Great Egret
parulidaephotos: Yellow crowned Night Heron
parulidaephotos: Yellow crowned Night Heron
parulidaephotos: Daniel Webster Sanctuary
parulidaephotos: Piping Plover
parulidaephotos: Piping Plover
parulidaephotos: Semipalmated Plovers and Semipalmated Sandpipers,
parulidaephotos: Whimbrel
parulidaephotos: Sanderlings
parulidaephotos: Shorebirds in flight
parulidaephotos: Short billed Dowitcher
parulidaephotos: White-rumped Sandpiper
parulidaephotos: Sanderling with leg tag
parulidaephotos: Common Tern in flight
parulidaephotos: Eastern Phoebe
parulidaephotos: Eastern Phoebe
parulidaephotos: Eastern Phoebe
parulidaephotos: Blue winged Teal
parulidaephotos: Snowy Egrets