le_charly: Tracteur à Auribail
le_charly: Reine (Iles Lofoten) 2024_08_13
le_charly: Hov-Gimsoy_Lofoten_2024_08_17
searchlight557: Canadian Pacific 2317
searchlight557: DL&W 664 at Scranton Pennsylvania
jgartinger: Lighthouse - Leuchtturm Flügge, Fehmarn - Ostsee Germany
valeriography: Bee on Lavender
valeriography: Sundial of the Mews
valeriography: Thames' river bank
ullmh: 金鳥山
FotozDynamics: Multi-tasking: walk, dog, phone
FotozDynamics: Walking uphill.
まさ masami: 20240311_001_2
まさ masami: 20240226_017_2
Thomas Listl: Clear and Present Danger
Thomas Listl: Grafeneckart Tower of Würzburg City Hall
Thomas Listl: Jack the Jacket
Anthony D Barraclough: St Pancras Rail Station 673a-1
chitoroid: DSC_5201
chitoroid: DSC_5181
chitoroid: DSC_5608
talon_karrde25: White Horse
talon_karrde25: Göltzschtalbrücke