kit.kenneth: 👼: Happy Mother's Day, Mum! 👵: Oh! ..... (a few seconds) Oh! It's my son!!! 👶: Yup! It's me! 👵: Don't tell me you are gonna come back home... 👶: Why not? 👨: Just don't come back... 👶: Huh?! I don't get
kit.kenneth: 雨 是我們的契約 神 是我們的他的定位 老簫!我們來了!你在哪? #簫敬騰 #演唱會 #雪梨 #悉尼 #雨神 #陽光宅男與雨神的契約 #小皇冠 #美美滴 #大家一起High起來 #jamhsiaoconcert #sydney
kit.kenneth: Belated dinner updates :) My plating skills seems like getting better lol #allgonemad #delicious #homecookingisthebest
kit.kenneth: 雨神來了,你不是不下雨吧? #雨神 #老簫 #簫敬騰 #JamShao #raining☔ #Sydney #Concert
kit.kenneth: 多貴也要來吃個甜點平衡一下⋯⋯ #不上班也有壓力 #懷念的老味道 #雞蛋仔 #外脆內軟 #香港特產 #老闆係謝庭鋒鐵粉 #播歌唔夠仲要播佢個套煮飯仔 #鋒味 #芒果千層蛋糕 #這個不錯 #心郁郁想番香港
kit.kenneth: Fall apart, or actually I just don't fit in? #noworknopay #depressed #mandarin #offworkrecommanded #sick😷 #病得很重的說 #我不掙扎 #反正我也沒差
kit.kenneth: Last week was already sicky and got better; Been to work last three days, was just a but more tired comparing with the days before. Resulted non-stop sneezing and running nose plus sinus pain and headache and voice change after commencing work for 2 hours
kit.kenneth: //大酥牛肉米線·Braised Beef Rice Noodle Soup// #lunch #beforework #somethingwarm #wintermood #soup #noodlesoup #yunnanfood #暖暖食飲 #冬天來了❄️ #不錯吃 #新開的小店 #雲南米線 #開的很合時 #上班前的節奏 #幫忙打廣告 #推薦喔
kit.kenneth: 真空斷熱防側漏(咦 半壼湯要來回分三次喝⋯⋯腳都斷了⋯⋯ #天氣冷了 #從早上五點翻熱到十一點 #還熱騰騰的 #差點燙到 #好餓啊 #不夠時間吃午飯 #累死寶寶了 #soup #leftover #stillwarmsince5am #ilovethispot
kit.kenneth: 回歸家常菜的樸實無華 #住家菜系列 #季節湯品 #響螺肉 #gettingcold #響螺肉淮山杞子湯 #homecookingisthebest #蕃茄炒蛋 #三杯炒土豆絲 #絲瓜炒肉末 #蒸臘腸 #我的湯值一百塊 #酒微菜薄
kit.kenneth: No matter what... if you want to go, I will follow... Even I am bloody sick 😷 #lifeisbeautiful #autumn🍁🍂🍃 #maple🍁 #roadtrip #stretchingitout #gettingcold #fevering #shouldnotbeworking #doasyoutold
kit.kenneth: 頭歪歪看楓葉🍁 #楓 #緩緩飄落的楓葉像思念 #為何挽回要趕在冬天來之前 #小旅行日誌 #秋冬系列 #roadtrip #maple🍁 #gettingcold #stretchingitout #autumn🍁🍂🍃
kit.kenneth: 仙菇!你有沒有用止汗劑啊? 怎麼會有味道⋯⋯ #復興高中 #仙菇 #通靈少女 #theteenagerpsychic #啊樂 #鵝要鵝要鵝要 #你懂的😏😏
kit.kenneth: 是 雞 肉 飯 !!! 是 雞 肉 飯 !!! 是 雞 肉 飯 !!! #太重要了所以要說三次 #親愛的 #雞肉飯雞肉飯雞肉飯雞肉飯雞肉飯 #人生の特等席 #loveit #retirement #myfav #太捧了 #有家的味道 #升天的感覺
kit.kenneth: 天氣冷冷的 來開開嗓子運運氣涮涮肉 暖暖身~ #sing🎤 #hotpot #吃吃喝喝系列 #alin #myfav #retirement #loveit #人生の特等席
kit.kenneth: 新加坡新鮮直送到門口的喔咪壓給~ 對我這麼好要本少何以為報啊~ 幹!入口即化軟到不行的綠蛋糕⋯⋯ 還有我愛吃的肉乾~ 再配上90度泡的烏龍茶~ 我要飛了⋯⋯ souvenirs from Singapore #掙不脱 #逃不過 #固執的魚 #新加坡直送 #伴手禮 #喔咪阿給 #pandancake #singapore #bengawansolo #souvenir #肉乾 #媽幹 #剛好泡了壺茶 #沏茶品茗慢生活
kit.kenneth: 喝個早茶,吃飽喝足~ #timeforretirement #媽我不幹了 #吃飽喝足眼皮鬆 #loveit #callmeMrYam #morningstreches #港式飲茶 #菜頭粿 #煎腸粉 #蝦子過敏俱樂部
kit.kenneth: No more casino for 30 days... #dayoff #loveyourself #timeforretirement #anotherman #rich #callmeMrYam #loveit
kit.kenneth: Belated update for my lunch #brunch #newtown #cafe #hereisthebigmeal #alldaybreakfast #specialbakedbeans #sourdough #loveit #loveyourself #dayoff
kit.kenneth: A decentralised latte to start with the day... #nicebaristasmakemyday #latteart #latte #newtown #discoverychannel #lestweforget🌹 #cafe #waitingforbigmeal
kit.kenneth: I can't win more then that, am I ? Times 10 eh!!! And $50 :3 #iamsohappy #blessed #lestweforget🌹 #anzacday2017 #canicallsickforthisfortnight #won
kit.kenneth: Lest we forget. #anzacday2017 #lestweforget🌹 #australianfashion #rememberancepoppy #afterwork #tired #finally #daysoffcoming
kit.kenneth: 是夕陽還是日出,其實都不重要。 星期二 早安 #morningshifts #morningstreches #bridgewalking #sunrise #anotherdaybegin #lestweforget🌹 #anzacday2017 #workingagain #最熟悉的陌生人
kit.kenneth: Lunch out day for the help out shift today... Need more tea to make myself calmer ~☕️ #stressreliefer #alwayslearnsomething #lunch #atwork #morningshifts #taiwanesefood #lunchbox #flowertea
kit.kenneth: Non stop laughing dessert... So green tea 🍵 ~ #justchillin #toosweetforwords #snowbowl #desserttime #cantgetenough #laughingoutloud #stressreliefer #alwayslearnsomething
kit.kenneth: Don't give any comment. I know I shouldn't have this tonight .., #koreanbarbeque #again #dinner #aftermorningshiftselfie #wagyubeef #justchillin
kit.kenneth: A simple life is good with me. I don't need a whole lot. Just a T-shirt, a pair of shorts, barefoot on the a beach and I'm happy. #loveyourself #beachwalk #sunset #manlybeach #腳下去就想尿尿 #沙灘趴 #aftermorningshiftselfie #justchillin #eveningstretching
kit.kenneth: 睡前泡一泡腳的確是蠻ㄕㄨ˙ㄈㄨ滴~ #footbath #gingermilkybath #入浴剤大好き #泡腳好舒服 #爽喇 #腳下去就想尿尿 #小小兵拖鞋 #tired #loveyourself #ineedmassagebadly
kit.kenneth: 好 飽 啊 ⋯⋯ #stressreliefer #afterwork #dinner #koreanbbq #buffet #nonstop #ihopeiwasontgispan #tired #stuffed
kit.kenneth: When you are too bored, you just need something to do... Like this... hahah #morningshifts #tired #onenightshift #thenruinyouforafewdays #headache