Farbenflut: for more than one reason
Tambako the Jaguar: Nice male jaguar lying
tomblandford: Autumn in the Montana Rockies
Hammerchewer: Grouchy Grouse
Pete Walkden: Red Squirrel
Cloudtail the Snow Leopard: Eating some meat
Stein Arne Jensen: Indian Peacock (Domestic type) (Pavo cristatus), male at sunset-0139
em0lga: Orca
tomblandford: Stare Down
Mandenno photography: African lion - Olmense Zoo
Warrener: Bee-eater "Merops apiaster"
themadbirdlady: Twinkletoes
ucumari photography: a "cool" shot
Cloudtail the Snow Leopard: Eating some bamboo
Hammerchewer: Red Squirrel
Margaret S.S: Cute Quackers :) ~ Explored
Margaret S.S: Black Rock Cottage ~ Glencoe ~ Explored
Tambako the Jaguar: Stork flying, again
stegi_at: Silbermöwe
Tambako the Jaguar: Chameleon on the branch
Tambako the Jaguar: Female ringed kingfisher
Tambako the Jaguar: Another portrait of Kuvam
Tambako the Jaguar: Sitting bear