jack.76: The Moon
jack.76: My first Jupiter shot.
jack.76: The Milky-Way
jack.76: My First Milky-way sighting.
jack.76: ISS pass 07/08/2013 - Northampton
jack.76: ISS over Northampton Golf Club
jack.76: ISS
jack.76: Jupiter, Venus and Mercury (hiding)
jack.76: Star trekkin'
jack.76: Getting to grips with HDR now.
jack.76: First Star Trail Attempt.
jack.76: My first HDR attempt.
jack.76: ISS as it passes over Northampton.
jack.76: Times Square from the Empire State building
jack.76: Yellow Taxi
jack.76: Big Ben Fish Eye.
jack.76: London Underground.
jack.76: The House
jack.76: Daisy Fisheye
jack.76: Weimaraner.
jack.76: Weimaraner.
jack.76: Weimaraner.
jack.76: Green Park Station
jack.76: London eye
jack.76: London Eye
jack.76: Blue Bottle Fly.
jack.76: Hover Fly.
jack.76: Ant.
jack.76: Mid-flight Hover Fly.
jack.76: Hydrophobic.