Rita Barreto: Cigarra
Vie Lipowski: Impeccable Beauty
Vie Lipowski: Snow Kisses
|avier: Gotitas de Felicidad
Vie Lipowski: Lustful Autumn
betuwefotograaf: My Butterfly
Vie Lipowski: Last Kiss of Autumn
helenabraga: Uma gema preciosa...
Jan Meeus: Withered Flower Tastes Good
Jan Meeus: What a Gap
Hans van Reenen: Still waiting for the Harvest
Vie Lipowski: There she is!!!
Vie Lipowski: Eagerly Exploring
Vie Lipowski: Enjoying a Different Perspective
esther**: Butterfly
BB (O.ö): Endless Moment
Kirt Seth Cathey: Green Falls
BB (O.ö): Horizons should always be straight
allman was here: c'mon kids... y'all late for school