lucy_7559: Sunrise over Bombo Headland Quarry
György Soponyai: Between Solstices
WherezJeff: Cold Moon, Lamont Co., Alta
WherezJeff: Clearance Super Blood Moon Composite
WherezJeff: Laser
WherezJeff: Pegasus Blvd
WherezJeff: Moonrise at Kiska Peak, Alberta
WherezJeff: City of Edmonton skyline after sunset
WherezJeff: Harvest Moon 2017 - The Real One
WherezJeff: Noctilucent Clouds, Alberta
WherezJeff: Corona and Regulus
WherezJeff: Sunshine
WherezJeff: Buck Moon 2016
WherezJeff: Substorm 222416
WherezJeff: Supermoon at 6:51am, Edmonton, Alberta
WherezJeff: Uncommon
watcherofthenightskies: Day Past Full July 31, 2015
shaun_mcgregor: April Aurora
watcherofthenightskies: TLE_IceCrystalStreetlightReflections