dogtooth77: Rhus glabra at Mashomack Preserve
dogtooth77: Rhus glabra infrutescences II
dogtooth77: View into Smith Cove from Mashomack Preserve
dogtooth77: Cirsium discolor with Pycnanthemum muticum seedheads
dogtooth77: Cirsium discolor with Bombus sp visitors
dogtooth77: Cirsium discolor going to seed in grasslands at Mashomack Preserve
dogtooth77: Cirsium discolor flower detail
dogtooth77: Cirsium discolor floral detail
dogtooth77: Cirsium discolor floral detail with Bombus sp
dogtooth77: Bombus sp visitors on Cirsium discolor
dogtooth77: Viburnum setigerum with fruit
dogtooth77: Symphyotrichum patens flower with bee mimic fly pollinator
dogtooth77: Symphyotrichum lanceolatum floral detail
dogtooth77: Schizachyrium scoparium with Euthamia graminifolia
dogtooth77: Salt Marsh at Mashomack Preserve
dogtooth77: Salt marsh at Bass Creek
dogtooth77: Rhus glabra infrutescences
dogtooth77: Rhus glabra infrutescence detail
dogtooth77: Rhus glabra in the grasslands at Mashomack Preserve
dogtooth77: Rhus glabra autumn foliage backlit
dogtooth77: Quercus stellata
dogtooth77: Pycnanthemum virginianum seedheads
dogtooth77: Miscanthus sinensis at Mashomack Preserve
dogtooth77: Jumping spider with prey on Pycnanthemum muticum seedhead
dogtooth77: Grasslands at Mashomack Preserve
dogtooth77: Grassland vegetation patterns at Mashomack Preserve
dogtooth77: Euthamia graminifolia in the grasslands at Mashomack Preserve
dogtooth77: Eupatorium hyssopifolium in grasslands at Mashomack Preserve
dogtooth77: Distichilis spicata with Limonium carolinianum at Bass Creek
dogtooth77: Cucullia convexipennis (Brown-hooded Owlet) caterpillar