dogtooth77: Anguloa x ruckeri (20140174) lower lip detail
dogtooth77: Anguloa x ruckeri (20140174) inflorescences II
dogtooth77: Anguloa x ruckeri (20140174) inflorescences
dogtooth77: Anguloa uniflora (20082748) inflorescences II
dogtooth77: Anguloa uniflora (20082748) inflorescences
dogtooth77: Anguloa uniflora (20082748) inflorescence detail
dogtooth77: Anguloa uniflora (20082748) approaching anthesis
dogtooth77: Anguloa cliftonii (20140172) inflorescence with column detail
dogtooth77: Anguloa x ruckerii (20140175) inflorescence , natural position
dogtooth77: Anguloa x ruckerii (20140175) with column detail
dogtooth77: Anguloa x ruckerii (20140175) with inverted petals and lower lip closed
dogtooth77: Anguloa x ruckerii (20140175) with inverted petals, lower lip open column detail