dogtooth77: Typha latifolia with Salix pedicilaris
dogtooth77: Samll Island in Heron March at VIC
dogtooth77: POllinator on Kalmia angustifolia
dogtooth77: Pogonia ophioglossoides floral detail
dogtooth77: Pogonia ophioglossoides
dogtooth77: Pinus strobus trunks
dogtooth77: Nymphaea odorata, Nuphar advena, with Pontederia cordata
dogtooth77: Nymphaea odorata, Dylichium arundinacea, with Carex lasiocarpa
dogtooth77: Nuphar advena foliage, flower and fruit
dogtooth77: Nuphar advena developing fruit and foliage
dogtooth77: Nuphar advena at Heron Marsh VIC
dogtooth77: Looking into Heron Marsh at VIC
dogtooth77: Larix laricina in Heron Marsh at VIC
dogtooth77: Larix laricina at edge of Heron Marsh VIC
dogtooth77: Kalmia polifolia inflorescence
dogtooth77: Iris versicolor in boardwalk
dogtooth77: Heron Mrash at VIC IV
dogtooth77: Heron Marsh woody plant community
dogtooth77: Heron Marsh at VIC VII
dogtooth77: Heron Marsh Trail at the VIC pano
dogtooth77: Heron Marsh at VIC VI
dogtooth77: Heron Marsh at VIC V
dogtooth77: Heron Marsh at VIC III
dogtooth77: Heron Marsh at VIC II
dogtooth77: Heron Marsh at VIC
dogtooth77: Craex magellanica perigynia
dogtooth77: Craex lasiocarpa
dogtooth77: Chamaedaphne calyculata with Pogonia ophioglossoides
dogtooth77: Carex magellanica spikelets
dogtooth77: Carex magellanica perigynia detail