dogtooth77: Galax urecolata inflorescence detail
dogtooth77: Silene virginica petal detail with pollen
dogtooth77: Houstonia purpurea inflorescence detail
dogtooth77: Goodyera pubescens large colony pano
dogtooth77: Scutellaria elliptica inflorescence and foliage
dogtooth77: White Coral fungus
dogtooth77: Mature Quercus montana bark detail
dogtooth77: View west from Rich Mountain towards Townsend, TN
dogtooth77: View into Cade's Cove from Rich Mountain
dogtooth77: Uli and Lise on Rich Mountain
dogtooth77: Rhododendron calendulaceum
dogtooth77: Rhododendron calendulaceum II
dogtooth77: Rhododendron calendulaceum flowers and foliage
dogtooth77: Rhododendron calendulaceum flower truss
dogtooth77: Rhododendron calendulaceum flower truss with foliage
dogtooth77: Trailside plant association
dogtooth77: Tradescantia subaspera inflorescence detail
dogtooth77: Tradescantia subaspera flower
dogtooth77: Stellaria pubera floral detail
dogtooth77: Spicebush Swalloewtail (Papilio troilus)
dogtooth77: Silene virginica
dogtooth77: Silene virginica floral detail
dogtooth77: Scutellaria elliptica inflorescence detail
dogtooth77: Rich Mountain Hydrangea arborescens blooming
dogtooth77: Penstemon canescens inflorescence
dogtooth77: Packera obovata with pollinator
dogtooth77: Packera obovata inflorescence detail_
dogtooth77: Mature Quercus montana
dogtooth77: Lise with Quercus montana
dogtooth77: Lise with large old Quercus montana