dogtooth77: Cardamine concatenata flower buds and foliage
dogtooth77: Cardamine laciniata
dogtooth77: Cardamine concatenata
dogtooth77: Cardamine laciniata with Toxicodendron radicans
dogtooth77: Cardamine concatenata flower bud detail
dogtooth77: Cardamine concatenata emerging foliage and flower buds
dogtooth77: Botrychium species with Dicentra cucullaria, Cardamine diphylla, Claytonia caroliniana
dogtooth77: Cardamine diphylla floral detail
dogtooth77: Cardamine diphylla
dogtooth77: Cardamine concactenata flowers
dogtooth77: Cardamine concatenata emerging flowers and foliage
dogtooth77: Cardamine concatenata in leaf and flower expansion
dogtooth77: Cardamine concatenata before anthesis
dogtooth77: Cardamine concatenata
dogtooth77: Cardamine nuttalii var. nuttallii III
dogtooth77: Cardamine nuttallii var. nuttallii II
dogtooth77: Cardamine nuttallii var. nuttallii
dogtooth77: Cardamine diphylla
dogtooth77: Cardamine concatenata detail
dogtooth77: Cardamine concatenata flower
dogtooth77: Cardamine concatenata
dogtooth77: Cardamine diphylla II
dogtooth77: Cardamine concatenata
dogtooth77: Cardamine concatenata