dogtooth77: Lise and Elena strolling at Wormsloe Plantation
dogtooth77: Drosera capillaris foliage detail
dogtooth77: Helianthemum carolinianum floral detail
dogtooth77: Serenoa repens, mature specimen at Wormsloe Plantation
dogtooth77: Elia portrait in B&W II
dogtooth77: Drosera capillaris rosettes
dogtooth77: Drosera capillaris rosettes III
dogtooth77: Drosera capillaris rosettes II
dogtooth77: Wormsloe Plantation historic building wall with shells
dogtooth77: William Bartram Trail signage
dogtooth77: Tillandsia usneoides on Quercus virginiana
dogtooth77: Serenoa repens
dogtooth77: Salt marsh alongside Wormsloe Plantation
dogtooth77: Quercus virginiana with Tillandsia usneoides
dogtooth77: Quercus virginiana allee at Wormsloe Plantation
dogtooth77: Prunus caroliniana with Tillandsia usneoides
dogtooth77: Prunus caroliniana inflorescence detail
dogtooth77: Juniperus virginiana microstrobili
dogtooth77: Juniperus virginiana mature specimen at Wormsloe Plantations
dogtooth77: Houstonia procumbens floral detail
dogtooth77: Helianthemum carolinianum
dogtooth77: Helianthemum carolinianum stamen and stigma detail
dogtooth77: Gnarled and twisted trunk of Juniperus virginiana
dogtooth77: Georgia costal plain saw pamlmetto forest
dogtooth77: Gelsemium sempervirens
dogtooth77: Gelsemium sempervirens inflorescence
dogtooth77: Elia portrait in B&W
dogtooth77: Cirsium horridulum developing inflorescence