dogtooth77: Corallorhiza odontorhiza var odontorhiza inflorescence detail II
dogtooth77: Monotropa hypopithys large colony
dogtooth77: Corallorhiza odontorhiza var odontorhiza floral detail
dogtooth77: Corallorhiza odontorhiza var odontorhiza inflorescence detail
dogtooth77: Epifagus virginiana
dogtooth77: Bombus species visits Monotropa uniflora
dogtooth77: Monotropa uniflora post anthesis
dogtooth77: Monotropa hypopithys colony post anthesis
dogtooth77: Monotropa hypopithys post anthesis
dogtooth77: Bombus species visits Solidago caesia
dogtooth77: Botrychium dissectum with fertile frond
dogtooth77: Botrychium dissectum with fertile frond II
dogtooth77: Chicken of the woods emerging from a log
dogtooth77: Doellingeria umbellata inflorescence with stink bug
dogtooth77: Great Blue Heron hunting amongst aquatic and emergent vegetation
dogtooth77: Great Blue Heron hunting in Sterling Forest swamp
dogtooth77: Ilex verticillata foliage and fruit
dogtooth77: Ilex verticillata with fruit
dogtooth77: Lovely Lise by Sterling Lake
dogtooth77: Open water and ecotones at Sterling Forest
dogtooth77: Paronychia canadensis
dogtooth77: Polygonum hydropiperoides colony
dogtooth77: Polygonum hydropiperoides inflorescence detail
dogtooth77: Potamogeton species foliage
dogtooth77: Pyrola americana developing seed heads
dogtooth77: Solidago bicolor inflorescence detail
dogtooth77: Sterling Forest swamp with beaver lodge
dogtooth77: Utricularia gibba colony with Ludwigia palustris in foreground
dogtooth77: Utricularia gibba floral detail