dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum floral detail with cricket nymph
dogtooth77: Asclepias rubra floral detail with pollinator
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum inflorescence_
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum with Calopogon tuberosa in bloom
dogtooth77: Lophiola aurea floral detail
dogtooth77: Calopogon tuberosa and Narthecium americanum in bloom
dogtooth77: Sarracenia purpurea hummock
dogtooth77: Sabatia difformis floral detail
dogtooth77: Drosera filiformis
dogtooth77: Forked River WMA Pano
dogtooth77: Bog along Middle Branch Forked River
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum bog at Forked River Mt pano
dogtooth77: Bog at Forked River Mt with Narthecium americanum and Calopogon tuberosa
dogtooth77: Bog at Forked River Mt with Narthecium americanum and Calopogon tuberosa-2
dogtooth77: Calopogon tuberosa floral detail
dogtooth77: Calopogon tuberosa, Pogonia ophioglossoides, with Narthecium americanum in bloom
dogtooth77: Chamaecyparis thyoides swamp at Forked River Mt WMA
dogtooth77: Dragonfly species
dogtooth77: Drosera filiformis foliage detail
dogtooth77: Drosera filiformis with Sarracenia purpurea
dogtooth77: Lophiola aurea flower bud detail
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum and Calopogon tuberosa in bloom
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum and Calopogon tuberosa in bloom_
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum at Forked River Mt
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum blossoms II
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum blossoms with Danthonia epilis
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum bog along Middle Branch Forked River_
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum bog Forked River Mt
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum bog Middle Branch Forked River
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum floral detail