dogtooth77: Main tropical House at BGBM
dogtooth77: Italian Garden at BGBM
dogtooth77: Begonia house with Philodendron goeldii at BGBM
dogtooth77: Welwitschia mirabilis at BGBM
dogtooth77: Bromeliad House
dogtooth77: Cochliostema odoratissimum inflorescence
dogtooth77: Plants of the Humid Tropics
dogtooth77: Scutellaria costaricana inflorescence
dogtooth77: Dendrochilum minimiflorum
dogtooth77: Lise with Acalypha hispida
dogtooth77: Tropical and subtropical Fern House
dogtooth77: Tropical and subtropical Fern House II
dogtooth77: Fern species detail
dogtooth77: Elaphoglossum crinitum at BGBM
dogtooth77: Asplenium nitis sori detail
dogtooth77: Polypodium glaucophyllum with turkey tail fungi
dogtooth77: Musschia wollastonii inflorescence
dogtooth77: Christian in the Tree Fern House
dogtooth77: Plants of the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands House
dogtooth77: Campanulaceae inflorescence
dogtooth77: Momordica rostrata tendril
dogtooth77: Momordica rostrata flower
dogtooth77: Orobanche hederae inflorescences
dogtooth77: Orobanche hederae in flower
dogtooth77: Orobanche hederae floral detail
dogtooth77: Plastic recycling bin
dogtooth77: Regular garbage bin
dogtooth77: Paper recycling bin
dogtooth77: Glass recycling bin
dogtooth77: Moss and Moor beds at BGBM