dogtooth77: Through Lise's eye
dogtooth77: Kalanchoe blossfeldiana flowers
dogtooth77: Lise portrait I
dogtooth77: Wannsee reflection_
dogtooth77: Lise portrait II
dogtooth77: Duck at Wannsee
dogtooth77: Babelsberg castle machine house
dogtooth77: Babelsberg castle
dogtooth77: Glienicke Bridge
dogtooth77: Wisteria floribunda inflorescence
dogtooth77: Campsis radicans flowers
dogtooth77: Agapanthus africanus inflorescence
dogtooth77: Lise with Agapanthus africanus
dogtooth77: Agapanthus africanus inflorescence II
dogtooth77: Pfaueninsel castle
dogtooth77: Pfaueninsel castle II
dogtooth77: Pfaueninsel selfie
dogtooth77: Pfaueninsel statuary
dogtooth77: Pfaueninsel meadow
dogtooth77: Peacock in the rose garden
dogtooth77: Passiflora floral detail
dogtooth77: Passiflora flower detail
dogtooth77: Cassia species inflorescence
dogtooth77: Pfaueninsel castle III
dogtooth77: Very old Quercus species
dogtooth77: Pfaueninsel meadow II
dogtooth77: Pfaueninsel meadow community
dogtooth77: Pfaueninsel meadow III
dogtooth77: Thymus pulegioides
dogtooth77: Allium ?