dogtooth77: Monotropa hypopithys
dogtooth77: Monotropa aka Indian Pipes
dogtooth77: Monotropa hypopithys II
dogtooth77: Monotropa hypopithys
dogtooth77: Monotropa uniflora
dogtooth77: Monotropa uniflora
dogtooth77: Monotropa uniflora II
dogtooth77: Monotropa uniflora with pollinator
dogtooth77: Monotropa uniflora
dogtooth77: Monotropa uniflora II
dogtooth77: Monotropa uniflora
dogtooth77: Monotropa hypopithys II
dogtooth77: Monotropa hypopithys
dogtooth77: Floral detail of Monotropa uniflora
dogtooth77: Monotropa uniflora macro
dogtooth77: Monotropa uniflora II
dogtooth77: Monotropa hypopithys
dogtooth77: Monotropa uniflora detail
dogtooth77: Monotropa uniflora
dogtooth77: Monotropa hypopithys II
dogtooth77: Monotropa hypopithys
dogtooth77: Monotropa hypopithys close up seedheads
dogtooth77: Monotropa hypopithys II
dogtooth77: Monotropa hypopithys close up seedheads
dogtooth77: Monotropa uniflora
dogtooth77: Monotropa Seedheads
dogtooth77: Monotropa uniflora
dogtooth77: Monotropa uniflora
dogtooth77: Monotropa uniflora
dogtooth77: Monotropa uniflora 10-12-2006 12-09-39 PM