dogtooth77: Pogonia ophioglossoides floral detail
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum, Pogonia ophioglossoides, and Oclemena nemoralis
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum with Calopogon tuberosus at Forked River Mt
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum inflorescences
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum inflorescences IV
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum inflorescences III
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum inflorescences II
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum flowering stems
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum flower detail
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum floral detail
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum bog at Forked River Mt
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum bog at Forked River Mt II
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum at Forked River
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum at Forked River Mt
dogtooth77: Vaccinium macrocarpon flowers and foliage
dogtooth77: Utricularia cornuta
dogtooth77: Polygala brevifolia inflorescences
dogtooth77: Pogonia ophioglossoides with Drosera filiformis
dogtooth77: Phragmites australis invading the bog
dogtooth77: Phragmites australis invading the Narthecium americanum bog
dogtooth77: Monotropa hypopithys
dogtooth77: Iron seeping from bog
dogtooth77: Eriocaulon aquaticum foliage
dogtooth77: Drosera filiformis
dogtooth77: Drosera filiformis large clump
dogtooth77: Cladium mariscoides inflorescence detail
dogtooth77: Chrysemys picta
dogtooth77: Chimaphila maculata inflorescence
dogtooth77: Calopogon tuberosus with Narthecium americanum
dogtooth77: Calopogon tuberosus with Narthecium americanum_