dogtooth77: Mountains and clouds
dogtooth77: Twisted gnarled old growth form
dogtooth77: Hepatica nobilis var acuta large colony II
dogtooth77: Hepatica nobilis var acuta inflorescences
dogtooth77: Asplenium rhizophyllum
dogtooth77: Asplenium rhizophyllum III
dogtooth77: Asplenium rhizophyllum II
dogtooth77: Trillium grandiflorum with Erythronium americanum
dogtooth77: Sedum ternatum emerging flower buds
dogtooth77: Moss covered boulders
dogtooth77: Lise, George, and Freia
dogtooth77: Lise by large Lirodendron tulipfera
dogtooth77: Hepatica nobilis var acuta older foliage with new flowers
dogtooth77: Hepatica nobilis var acuta large colony
dogtooth77: Hepatica nobilis var acuta colony
dogtooth77: George, Freia, and Lise
dogtooth77: George and Freia in TN
dogtooth77: Cove Hardwoods Nature Trial
dogtooth77: Cove Hardwoods Nature Trail II
dogtooth77: Botrychium species with Dicentra cucullaria, Cardamine diphylla, Claytonia caroliniana
dogtooth77: Asplenium rhizophyllum frond detail
dogtooth77: In Great Smoky Mountain Nat'l Park