dogtooth77: Young Marcgravia umbellata (Marcgraviaceae) foliage
dogtooth77: View from Grand Etang to Grenville
dogtooth77: Unknown species
dogtooth77: Unknown fern frond unfurling
dogtooth77: Unfurling fern frond detail
dogtooth77: Uli & Lise selfie
dogtooth77: Tree ferns and mountains of Grenada
dogtooth77: Sunset on the beach with Lise
dogtooth77: Sunset clouds over Sauteurs Bay
dogtooth77: Sticherus bifidus (Gleicheniaceae) unfurling frond detail
dogtooth77: Sticherus bifidus (Gleicheniaceae) circinate vernation
dogtooth77: Spathoglottis plicata (Orchidaceae) tepal detail
dogtooth77: Spathoglottis plicata (Orchidaceae) inflorescence
dogtooth77: Smooches!
dogtooth77: Ornithidium coccineum (Orchidaceae)_
dogtooth77: New frond detail (Blechnum ??)
dogtooth77: Marcgravia umbellata (Marcgraviaceae) inflorescence approaching anthesis
dogtooth77: Marcgravia umbellata (Marcgraviaceae) developing inflorescences
dogtooth77: Marcgravia umbellata (Marcgraviaceae) anther detail
dogtooth77: Marcgravia umbellata (Marcgraviaceae) developing nectaries
dogtooth77: Lobelia cirsiifolia (Campanulaceae) inflorescence
dogtooth77: Lobelia cirsiifolia (Campanulaceae) flowers
dogtooth77: Lobelia cirsiifolia (Campanulaceae) floral detail
dogtooth77: Lise & Uli
dogtooth77: Lise & Uli II
dogtooth77: Grand Etang Lake with egret
dogtooth77: Grand Etang Lake looking to Mt Qua Qua
dogtooth77: Grand Etang Lake from Mt Qua Qua
dogtooth77: Evening clouds above Sauteurs Bay
dogtooth77: Epidendrum rubroticum (Orchidaceae) inlforescence_