dogtooth77: Tuecrium canadense inflorescence
dogtooth77: Teucrium canadense floral detail
dogtooth77: Sryphid fly on Helianthus divaricatus
dogtooth77: Pycnanthemum torrei
dogtooth77: Pycnanthemum torrei with Bombus sp
dogtooth77: Polygonum pensylvanicum floral detail
dogtooth77: Monarda fistulosa inflorescences
dogtooth77: Mimulus ringens inflorescence
dogtooth77: Lilium superbum flower detail
dogtooth77: Lilium superbum flower detail II
dogtooth77: Lilium superbum floral detail
dogtooth77: Laportea canadensis inflorescence post anthesis
dogtooth77: Helianthus divaricatus floral detail
dogtooth77: Elymus canadensis seed head
dogtooth77: Commelina communis
dogtooth77: Clematis viorna with Bombus species
dogtooth77: Clematis viorna flowers and seedheads
dogtooth77: Clematis viorna flower detail
dogtooth77: Clematis viorna floral detail
dogtooth77: Cicada Killer on Pycnanthemum tenuifolium
dogtooth77: Chamaecyparis thyoides seed cone macro
dogtooth77: Chamaecyparis thyoides seed cone detail
dogtooth77: Chamaecrista fasciculata inflorescence
dogtooth77: Bumblebees on Pycnanthemum torrei
dogtooth77: Bee visiting Helianthus divaricatus
dogtooth77: Asclepias incarnata with Elymus canadensis and Chamaecrista fasciculata
dogtooth77: Apios americana inflorescence
dogtooth77: Asclepias viridiflora
dogtooth77: Asclepias viridiflora inflorescence
dogtooth77: Asclepias viridiflora floral detail