dogtooth77: Aletrnanthera sp
dogtooth77: View north of Playa Grande and Cerro Morro
dogtooth77: Canavalia maritima detail
dogtooth77: Canavalia maritima
dogtooth77: Canavalia maritima floral detail
dogtooth77: Canavalia maritima seedpods
dogtooth77: Ipomea pes-caprae closed flower
dogtooth77: Caesalpinia bon duc floral detail
dogtooth77: Caesalpina bon-duc
dogtooth77: Caesalpinia bon duc II
dogtooth77: Caesalpinia bon duc seedpods
dogtooth77: Uniola pittierii spikelet detail II
dogtooth77: Uniola pittierii colonizing the beach
dogtooth77: Uniola pittierii stolons
dogtooth77: Uniola pittierii spikelet detail
dogtooth77: Uniola pittierii infrutescence
dogtooth77: Talipariti tiliaceum var
dogtooth77: Talipariti tiliaceum var-2
dogtooth77: Sesuvium portulacastrum
dogtooth77: Sesuvium portulacastrum floral detail
dogtooth77: Path to Playa Grande
dogtooth77: High Tide Line at Playa Grande
dogtooth77: Arachnid on Canavalia maritima leaf
dogtooth77: Alternanthera sp
dogtooth77: Canavalia maritima on the beach
dogtooth77: Canavalia maritima with Apis mellifera
dogtooth77: Chamaesyce species
dogtooth77: Playa Grande looking to Cerro Morro
dogtooth77: Chiripriota Rock
dogtooth77: IMG_8458