dogtooth77: Lespedeza capitata
dogtooth77: Lespedeza hirta inflorescence
dogtooth77: Lespedeza virginica inflorescence
dogtooth77: Lespedeza stuevei inflorescence
dogtooth77: Alisma subcordata inflorescence detail
dogtooth77: Cyperus strigosus detail
dogtooth77: Cyperus odoratus
dogtooth77: Scirpus cyperinus inflorescence
dogtooth77: Scirpus validus
dogtooth77: Wet meadwo with Juncus diffusissimus, Scirpus cyperinus, and Andropogon virginicus
dogtooth77: Schoenoplectus purshiana
dogtooth77: Schoenoplectus purshiana II
dogtooth77: Schoenoplectiella mucronata
dogtooth77: Schoenoplectiella mucronata III
dogtooth77: Schoenoplectiella mucronata II
dogtooth77: Pycnanthemum tenuifolium
dogtooth77: Juncus sp
dogtooth77: Juncus diffusissimus
dogtooth77: Euthamia graminifolia inflorescence
dogtooth77: Eurybia spectabilis flower
dogtooth77: Eupatorium hyssopifolium