dogtooth77: Solidago stricta with pollinator
dogtooth77: Solidago stricta
dogtooth77: Prenanthes (Nabalus) autumnalis leaves
dogtooth77: Prenanthes (Nabalus) autumnalis III
dogtooth77: Prenanthes (Nabalus) autumnalis II
dogtooth77: Prenanathes (Nabalus) autumnalis
dogtooth77: Bombus sp. feeds on Gentian
dogtooth77: Chrysposis mariana
dogtooth77: Agalinus setacea III
dogtooth77: Agalinus setacea II
dogtooth77: Agalinus setacea
dogtooth77: Gentiana autumnalis XXVII
dogtooth77: Skipper feeds on Gentian
dogtooth77: Gentiana autumnalis XXVI
dogtooth77: Gentiana autumnalis XXV
dogtooth77: Gentiana autumnalis XXIV
dogtooth77: Gentiana autumnalis XXIII
dogtooth77: Liatris spicata with Bombus sp.
dogtooth77: Liatris spicata detail
dogtooth77: Liatris spicata
dogtooth77: Four petal Gentiana autumnalis II
dogtooth77: Four petal Gentiana autumnalis
dogtooth77: Gentiana autumnalis XXII
dogtooth77: Gentiana autumanlis with spider
dogtooth77: Gentiana autumnalis XXI
dogtooth77: Gentiana autumanlis XX
dogtooth77: Gentiana autumnalis XIX
dogtooth77: Gentiana autumnalis XVIII
dogtooth77: Gentiana autumnalis XVII
dogtooth77: Gentiana autumnalis XVI