dogtooth77: Metrosideros umbellata - Southern Rata
dogtooth77: Water reflections
dogtooth77: Peter's Pool reflection
dogtooth77: Lycopodium volubile strobili
dogtooth77: Lycopodium volubile
dogtooth77: Sweet Camper!
dogtooth77: Pratia angularis
dogtooth77: Parochetus communis with fern
dogtooth77: Parochetus communis
dogtooth77: Yellow Legume Foligae
dogtooth77: Yellow Legume
dogtooth77: Track Marker
dogtooth77: Metrosideros umbellata tree
dogtooth77: Tree Ferns II
dogtooth77: Lise next to Forest Giant
dogtooth77: Mosses and Ferns Anyone
dogtooth77: Tree Ferns
dogtooth77: Pellea rotundifolium with Carex sp.
dogtooth77: View to Tasman Sea
dogtooth77: Ptychomnium aciculare
dogtooth77: Luzuriaga parviflora fruit
dogtooth77: Young Tree Fern
dogtooth77: Lise in Franz Josef
dogtooth77: Liserbelle
dogtooth77: NZ Fungus
dogtooth77: Mosses and Liverworts
dogtooth77: Leafy Liverwort V
dogtooth77: New Zealand Fungus
dogtooth77: Red Wax Gill - Hygrocybe rubro-carnosa
dogtooth77: Tomtit - Petroica macrocephala