dogtooth77: Hypericum hypericoides (St. Andrews Cross)
dogtooth77: Beetles mating on Solidago fistulosa
dogtooth77: Ionactis linariifolia
dogtooth77: Stiff Aster
dogtooth77: Polygala nuttallii
dogtooth77: Polygala nuttalli II
dogtooth77: Snack time!!
dogtooth77: Grasshopper lunch
dogtooth77: Lycopodium alopecuroides
dogtooth77: Foxtail Clubmoss
dogtooth77: Spiranthes cernua
dogtooth77: Sagitarria engelmanniana seeds
dogtooth77: Wet Savannah in the Pine Barrens
dogtooth77: Pond side in the Pinelands
dogtooth77: Aster borealis
dogtooth77: Large colony of Lycopodium alopecuroides
dogtooth77: Agalinus purpurea macro
dogtooth77: Symphyotrichum boreale
dogtooth77: Northern Bog Aster
dogtooth77: Nodding Ladies Tresses spiral floral arrangement
dogtooth77: Agalinus purpurea
dogtooth77: New Jersey Pine Barrens Virginia Pine Forest.tif
dogtooth77: Reindeer Lichen and Moss
dogtooth77: Pyxidanthera barbulata winter foliage
dogtooth77: Corema conradii flower bud opening
dogtooth77: Sand and fungus
dogtooth77: Drosera intermeadia with pollinators
dogtooth77: Drosera intermeadia flower showing uncurling raceme
dogtooth77: Giant Grasshopper
dogtooth77: Blue collar grasshopper