dogtooth77: Aeschynomene virginica flower
dogtooth77: Mikania scandens
dogtooth77: Mikania scandens II
dogtooth77: Aeschynomene virginica
dogtooth77: Aeschynomoene virginica II
dogtooth77: Fresh water tidal marsh III
dogtooth77: Solid Ziziana aquatica
dogtooth77: Massive stand of Wild Rice
dogtooth77: Thats a lotta tankers!!
dogtooth77: Homeland Security
dogtooth77: Huge Arum seeds
dogtooth77: George models his boa
dogtooth77: George finds a snake skin
dogtooth77: Wild Rice
dogtooth77: Ziziana aquatica
dogtooth77: Pitcher plant flower
dogtooth77: Sarracenia purperea
dogtooth77: Lots of lichen
dogtooth77: Reindeer lichen
dogtooth77: Pinus virginiana forest
dogtooth77: Fresh water tidal marsh II
dogtooth77: Fresh water tidal marsh
dogtooth77: Ipomopsis rubra II
dogtooth77: Ipomopsis rubra
dogtooth77: Monarda punctata
dogtooth77: Cyperus echinatus II
dogtooth77: The long trek back
dogtooth77: Cyperus echinatus
dogtooth77: Eriophorum gracile close up
dogtooth77: Frog