dogtooth77: Zizania aquatica with shattered seedhead
dogtooth77: Heather collecting ina boat
dogtooth77: Tim stands amongst the wild rice
dogtooth77: On the Manasquan River
dogtooth77: Manasquan River, NJ
dogtooth77: Zizania aquatica stand
dogtooth77: Helenium autumnale
dogtooth77: Helenium autumnale II
dogtooth77: Eupatorium dubium
dogtooth77: Loads of sneeze weed
dogtooth77: Hibiscus moschuetos
dogtooth77: Mikania scandens
dogtooth77: Typha angustifolium
dogtooth77: Cornus ammomum
dogtooth77: Cornus ammomum fruit
dogtooth77: Cuscuta gronovii
dogtooth77: Zizania aquatica flower
dogtooth77: Wild Rice detail
dogtooth77: Wild Rice in Flower
dogtooth77: Trichostemma dichotomum
dogtooth77: Blue Curls macro
dogtooth77: Partridge Pea flower
dogtooth77: Chamaecrista fasiculata
dogtooth77: Argiope aurantia
dogtooth77: Yellow Garden Orbweaver
dogtooth77: Polygonella articulata
dogtooth77: Coastal Jointweed macro
dogtooth77: Polygonella articulata detail
dogtooth77: Asplenium platyneuron
dogtooth77: White fungus