dogtooth77: Floral detail of Monotropa uniflora
dogtooth77: Nymphoides peltata
dogtooth77: Rana catesbeiana
dogtooth77: Liserbelle
dogtooth77: Mohonk Mountain House B&W
dogtooth77: View from Skytop tower to Shawanagunk Mts. B&W
dogtooth77: Mohonk Lake with Catskill Mts in distance
dogtooth77: Shawangunk Mountains looking south
dogtooth77: Formal gardens Mohonk Mountain House
dogtooth77: Adlumia fungosa flowers
dogtooth77: Climbing Fumitory Vine
dogtooth77: Solidago caesia flower
dogtooth77: Solidago caesia
dogtooth77: Moss and grasses
dogtooth77: Sweet Fern with Huckleberry
dogtooth77: Acer pensylvanicum, Gyalussacia baccata, Comptonia peregrina
dogtooth77: Cystopteris fragilis
dogtooth77: Fern in a stump
dogtooth77: Actaea pachypoda
dogtooth77: Yellow jelly baby