dogtooth77: 1956 Ford 600 Tractor
dogtooth77: Early Autumn in NFG
dogtooth77: Podophylum peltatum drift II
dogtooth77: Podophylum peltatum drift
dogtooth77: Cercis canandensis in NFG
dogtooth77: Cerciis canadensis flowers
dogtooth77: Athyrium filix-femina with Podophylum peltatum
dogtooth77: Amelanchier nantucketensis spent flower buds
dogtooth77: Matteuccia struthiopteris in NFG
dogtooth77: Spring in the NFG
dogtooth77: Rhododendron periclymenoides
dogtooth77: Rhododendron periclymenoides above serpentine area
dogtooth77: Rhododendron vaseyi
dogtooth77: Clematis ochrolueca flower
dogtooth77: Antenarria parlinii ssp. fallax close up
dogtooth77: Pyxidanthera barbulata III
dogtooth77: Pyxidanthera barbulata II
dogtooth77: Pyxidanthera barbulata
dogtooth77: Clematis ochroleuca seed heads
dogtooth77: Scutellaria serrata
dogtooth77: Campanula rotundifolia
dogtooth77: Sundrops up close
dogtooth77: Oenethera fruticosa
dogtooth77: Cypripedium reginae II
dogtooth77: Cypripedium reginae
dogtooth77: Mitchella repens in flower
dogtooth77: Lysimachia quadrifolia
dogtooth77: Hypoxis hirsuta flower
dogtooth77: Fumitory vine rambles in NFG
dogtooth77: Cornus alternifolia bathed in sunlight