dogtooth77: Winterthur woodland II
dogtooth77: Trillium cuneatum
dogtooth77: Trillium luteum in DE
dogtooth77: Merrybells with Spring Beauties
dogtooth77: Winterthur woodlands V
dogtooth77: Maple and Magnolias
dogtooth77: Winterthur woodlands IV
dogtooth77: Winterthur woodlands III
dogtooth77: Giant Liriodendrons
dogtooth77: Winterthur woodland
dogtooth77: White Wakerobin everywhere!!
dogtooth77: Trillium lutuem
dogtooth77: Cardamine concatenata
dogtooth77: White wakerobin underfoot
dogtooth77: Twin giant tulip poplars
dogtooth77: Uvularia grandiflora
dogtooth77: Forest layers
dogtooth77: Trillium grandiflorum de
dogtooth77: Winterthur splendor
dogtooth77: IMG_3966
dogtooth77: IMG_3962
dogtooth77: Trillium sp.
dogtooth77: Claytonia virginica
dogtooth77: Winterthur spring ephemerals