dogtooth77: Trillium grandiflorum blossoms II
dogtooth77: Trillium grandiflorum blossoms
dogtooth77: Trillium grandiflorum var roseum in bloom
dogtooth77: Trillium recurvatum blossoms II
dogtooth77: Trillium recurvatum blossoms III
dogtooth77: Trillium recurvatum blossoms
dogtooth77: Trillium recurvatum floral detail
dogtooth77: Trillium recurvatum
dogtooth77: Trilllium cuneatum (yellow form) floral detail
dogtooth77: Trollius laxus spp laxus floral detail
dogtooth77: Trollius laxus ssp laxus with green achenes
dogtooth77: Viola brittoniana with Houstonia caerulea
dogtooth77: Viola pedata blossoms
dogtooth77: Viola sp. petal morph
dogtooth77: Xanthorhiza simplicissima flowers
dogtooth77: Zanthoxylum americanum staminate flowers
dogtooth77: Lily Pond in mid October III
dogtooth77: Benthamidia florida with Magnolia tripetala in mid October
dogtooth77: Ilex verticillata fruits
dogtooth77: Hop Brook Trail boardwalk III
dogtooth77: Hamamelis virginiana floral detail
dogtooth77: Woodland at Garden in the Woods
dogtooth77: Lily Pond Slope planting mid October
dogtooth77: Lily Pond Slope planting in mid October
dogtooth77: Lily Pond Slope and pathways in mid October
dogtooth77: Viburnum nudum and Ilex verticillata
dogtooth77: Swida alternifolia autumn foliage
dogtooth77: Old field meadow pano in mid October
dogtooth77: Old field meadow in mid October
dogtooth77: Mid October white walk pathway