dogtooth77: Lise eats crisps on the summit of Ben Lomond
dogtooth77: Lise and Uli above Loch Lomond
dogtooth77: Jasione montana floral detail
dogtooth77: Grasses and dewdrops
dogtooth77: Dactylorhiza maculata ssp ericetorum inflorescence
dogtooth77: Campanula rotundifolia floral detail
dogtooth77: Calluna vulgaris on slopes of Ben Lomond
dogtooth77: Calluna vulgaris blooms on Ben Lomond
dogtooth77: Ben Lomond summit marker
dogtooth77: Alpine pool on Ben Lomond
dogtooth77: Alpine pool on Ben Lomond III
dogtooth77: Alpine pool on Ben Lomond II
dogtooth77: Alpine bog on Ben Lomond
dogtooth77: Alchemilla alpina
dogtooth77: Achillea ptarmica inflorescences