dogtooth77: Dry scrub forest on Carriacou
dogtooth77: Allamanda cathartica cultivar
dogtooth77: Mikania micrantha inflorescence
dogtooth77: Mikania micrantha inflorescence post anthesis
dogtooth77: Petit Carenage II
dogtooth77: Petit Carenage
dogtooth77: View to Petit Martinique with Hurricane Ivan wreck
dogtooth77: Ivan wreck reclaimed by Pilosocereus royenii
dogtooth77: Boat wreck on Petit Carenage, Union Island beyond
dogtooth77: Hurricane Ivan wreck on Petit Carenage
dogtooth77: Union Island and the Grenadines beyond
dogtooth77: Rhizophora mangle aerial roots
dogtooth77: Rhizophora mangle at Petit Carenage
dogtooth77: Petit Carenage
dogtooth77: Yucca aloifolia
dogtooth77: Tillandsia fasciculata on Hippomane mancinella_
dogtooth77: Tillandsia fasciculata in Hippomane mancinella II
dogtooth77: Manchineel warning
dogtooth77: Myrstica fragrans fruit and seed
dogtooth77: Myrstica fragrans fleshy aril and seed detail
dogtooth77: Unknown Asteraceae
dogtooth77: Psophocarpus tetragonolobus floral detail
dogtooth77: View from Mt William pano
dogtooth77: Pachystachys spicata inflorescence
dogtooth77: Ochroma pyramidale flower buds and foliage
dogtooth77: Ochroma pyramidale flower and foliage
dogtooth77: Cercropia schreberiana ssp schreberiana foliage and flowers
dogtooth77: Mt Williams pano
dogtooth77: Epipremnum pinnatum 'Aureum'
dogtooth77: Lecythis pisonis floral detail