Fabio Cost:
Fabio Cost:
Spazio profondo
Fabio Cost:
Castelbasso - Italy
Fabio Cost:
Canne al vento 1 - Uomini siamo, Elias, uomini fragili come canne, pensaci bene. Al di sopra di noi c'è una forza che non possiamo vincere. da Elias Portolu di Grazia Deledda - 1903
Fabio Cost:
Canne al vento 2 - Uomini siamo, Elias, uomini fragili come canne, pensaci bene. Al di sopra di noi c'è una forza che non possiamo vincere. da Elias Portolu di Grazia Deledda - 1903
Fabio Cost:
Canne al vento - 5. Uomini siamo, Elias, uomini fragili come canne, pensaci bene. Al di sopra di noi c'è una forza che non possiamo vincere. da Elias Portolu di Grazia Deledda - 1903
Fabio Cost:
Canne al vento - 4. Uomini siamo, Elias, uomini fragili come canne, pensaci bene. Al di sopra di noi c'è una forza che non possiamo vincere. da Elias Portolu di Grazia Deledda - 1903
Fabio Cost:
Canne al vento - 3. Uomini siamo, Elias, uomini fragili come canne, pensaci bene. Al di sopra di noi c'è una forza che non possiamo vincere. da Elias Portolu di Grazia Deledda - 1903
Fabio Cost:
Capolavori del presente
Fabio Cost:
Capolavori del presente
Fabio Cost:
Mazzarelle di Teramo
Fabio Cost:
L'Osservatore metafisico
Fabio Cost:
Poster. Teramo
Fabio Cost:
Covid diaries - Conclusion - Day 38 - On the 38th day of quarantine I got news of my negativity to the coronavirus...
Fabio Cost:
Covid diaries - Day 37 - Today I decided to dress elegantly. Are these the first signs of quarantine fatigue? Elegant or not the dress I paid 14 euros at the second-hand market.
Fabio Cost:
Covid diaries - Day 36 - This is the fourth row for the nasal swab. Lots of cars, nice sunny day. Who knows if the virus will have abandoned me.
Fabio Cost:
Covid diaries - Day 33/34 - So many days have passed since the start of isolation that my hair has grown longer; and outside the light is changing.
Fabio Cost:
Covid diaries - Day 32 - Today I decided to devote myself to the creation of a beard perfume based on essential oils. The days go by faster than you might think.
Fabio Cost:
Covid diaries - Day 31 - Waiting at home for your wife to return from work. Gino (the cat) looks too!
Fabio Cost:
Covid diaries - Day 30 - If we exclude social isolation the food is not bad at all (falafel, gyros pita and Sicilian arancini. And a glass of Montepulciano d'Abruzzo wine - not in the picture).
Fabio Cost:
Covid diaries - Day 29 / End of isolation - My wife leaves the house after 25 days. For me, social isolation continues.
Fabio Cost:
Last day of quarantine - My wife will return to work tomorrow, who knows if she will still have time to take care of the cats as she did in these days of confinement. Meanwhile, look in the closet for something to wear to return to the office.
Fabio Cost:
Covid diaries - Day 27 - Long lines of people waiting for the nasal swab. I'm here for the third time too, in this weather.
Fabio Cost:
Covid diaries - Day 26 - This is a nice way to lighten up a quarantine! There's also the Vehicle vinyl from my Canadian friend Jorg (Berth Garfield on the record).
Fabio Cost:
Covid diaries - Day 25 / 5° day Negative - As long as there is pizza there is hope.
Fabio Cost:
Covid diaries - Day 25 - My house constraint continues while my father-in-law repairs the nets for the olive harvest. Fortunately, a tasty vegetarian dinner awaits me in the evening.
Fabio Cost:
Covid diaries - Day 23 - When will I be able to go out? Before I cover myself in garbage?
Fabio Cost:
Covid diaries - Day 22 / Day 18 - Nasal swab says I'm still positive for coronavirus. At least my wife is happy with her negativity. She can go back to her doctor's office.