windupgodzilla: There's that!
windupgodzilla: Passed. Waiting....
windupgodzilla: Mine now!
windupgodzilla: I love giving these guys these huge rice treats. Rats don't share. They go nuts about who owns the treat.
windupgodzilla: Let It Come
windupgodzilla: sleepy dudes...lucky and jack
windupgodzilla: Neck warmer
windupgodzilla: Livids @ Don Pedro
windupgodzilla: Why do I always get stuck in this spot when it rains?!
windupgodzilla: This guy.... Watching Bears game in midtown. I'm gonna need earplugs, I think.
windupgodzilla: Bonkers drummer hipster freakout
windupgodzilla: Well, this was more than I was bargaining for out drummers tonight.
windupgodzilla: hammock bunks
windupgodzilla: couldn't wait for winter to don my forever lazy.
windupgodzilla: rat kisses
windupgodzilla: slow night at work
windupgodzilla: new drums
windupgodzilla: new drums
windupgodzilla: things you get as tips
windupgodzilla: davin has a heart on
windupgodzilla: the jesus lizard
windupgodzilla: the jesus lizard