Emily Lindberg: IMG_7493
Emily Lindberg: IMG_7491
Emily Lindberg: IMG_7484
Emily Lindberg: IMG_7482
Emily Lindberg: IMG_7346
Emily Lindberg: IMG_7338
Emily Lindberg: A couple of nights ago I whipped up this hat for Virginia. It's a bit big, so I hope it will be good for this fall and even next spring. It was Jon's idea to make a matching one for her baby and I just couldn't resist!
Emily Lindberg: IMG_0428
Emily Lindberg: IMG_0426
Emily Lindberg: IMG_0422
Emily Lindberg: lmm13-web-banner
Emily Lindberg: owl costume03
Emily Lindberg: owl costume in flight
Emily Lindberg: Owl costume two view
Emily Lindberg: owl costume01
Emily Lindberg: owl costume02
Emily Lindberg: owl costume front and back
Emily Lindberg: owl costume10
Emily Lindberg: owl costume08
Emily Lindberg: owl costume06
Emily Lindberg: owl costume12