urijnaw: the most treed street in the world? anyway, we're running and hopping down it :)
urijnaw: kisses
urijnaw: and more kisses
urijnaw: baby photos
urijnaw: awesomeness
urijnaw: ribbon, suncatchers and lanterns
urijnaw: Johannesburg landmark in the background
urijnaw: Johannesburg by night as a storm rolls in
urijnaw: I can hear the marimba band... awesome!
urijnaw: signage
urijnaw: Totoro
urijnaw: Gloomy Bear grabbing a hold of the scissors
urijnaw: moon over a sunsetting Johannesburg
urijnaw: marimba band from Soweto
urijnaw: Domo in a cage
urijnaw: sweetness
urijnaw: color and wind
urijnaw: photos at sunset
urijnaw: changed into a more practical dress
urijnaw: i actually climbed on top of this tractor in that dress!! *gasp!*
urijnaw: hand washing ceremony
urijnaw: more smoochies
urijnaw: wedding cake
urijnaw: the Men of the bridal party
urijnaw: my Man of Honour, bridesladies and me
urijnaw: making sure everything fits
urijnaw: getting dressed up
urijnaw: getting dressed up
urijnaw: man of honor, bridesladies and me
urijnaw: the ceremony