Pixi2011: Southern Masked-Weaver / Swartkeelgeelvink
Tang Heng: American Kestrel
Nicopope: Mésange bleue 3 - Blue tit - Blaumeise - Parus caerulus
DansPhotoArt: Vocal Hummingbird_DSC0083
Martin Bärtges: Softness in the early morning sun
Jesús Cano Sánchez: Porta do Perdón, Fachada da Quintana, Catedral de Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña, Galicia, España)
Jesús Cano Sánchez: Santiago Matamoros, Pazo de Raxoi, Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña, Galicia, España)
Mobile Lynn: Robin D85_7340.jpg
Sylvia Sassen: Icarusblauwtje
La Finestra sul Mare: Il primo ottobre 2020, giovedì
murtica27: Scarce copper
bcbirdergirl: Male American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) - Delta, BC
qaxwkhlm1: Bläuling
Morio60: Abbaye du Mont-Saint-Michel (Manche) - La Merveille - Le cloître
Morio60: Abbaye du Mont-Saint-Michel (Manche) - La Merveille - La salle dite des Chevaliers ou scriptorium (explore 03-09-20)
Norbert Lefevre: Martin pêcheur d'Europe ( Alcedo atthis - common kingfisher )
Tanager John: Ruby-throated Hummingbird at Jewelweed plant.
Troy West Steve: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Miroslav Fikar: 20200710_1533-01
Bill Whala: Barn Swallow
nannyjean35: Cannot Swim
HUGH MC MILLAN: C-GHAS / 310, at Vancouver Harbour, British Columbia, Canada.
(Jessica): IMG_4727.JPG
Pete Walkden: Little Owl
mia_moreau: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
I can remember when UK railways were interesting: 801224 Welwyn North 260720 (1S08)
pnb511: Greater Anglia 90011 arrives at Diss with the 14.30 service from Norwich to Liverpool St. 03 06 2019