ABC Open Goulburn Valley: Sheps in Shepp
ABC Open Goulburn Valley: Tank local artist
ABC Open Goulburn Valley: Tea ceremony demo
ABC Open Goulburn Valley: Community choir
ABC Open Goulburn Valley: Singers on stage
ABC Open Goulburn Valley: Scones for me?
ABC Open Goulburn Valley: Community choir and friends
ABC Open Goulburn Valley: Crowds enjoying the show
ABC Open Goulburn Valley: About to go on stage
ABC Open Goulburn Valley: Everyone was there
ABC Open Goulburn Valley: Face apint princess
ABC Open Goulburn Valley: Conan the turtle
ABC Open Goulburn Valley: Jock and Audrey waiting for Master to return
ABC Open Goulburn Valley: cute as a button
ABC Open Goulburn Valley: Jock at window