Emily Emily!: This little cutie enjoyed a forest adventure today! Autumn is at its peak...
Emily Emily!: Before and After, modifying a dress
Emily Emily!: She found the perfect place to relax on this beautiful spring afternoon....
Emily Emily!: Wow!!! Pansies already?!?
Emily Emily!: The sweetest flower of all...
Emily Emily!: Tiptoe through the tulips with me!
Emily Emily!: My darling Yeolume ♥
Emily Emily!: My Yeolume ♥
Emily Emily!: One, two, buckle my shoe.... please!
Emily Emily!: One, two, buckle my shoe.... please!
Emily Emily!: My adorable custom Myufish Yeolume! I'm so in love....
Emily Emily!: Sleigh ride!!
Emily Emily!: Dashing through the snow! ❄ ❄ ❄
Emily Emily!: ~ Moss Green ~
Emily Emily!: Autumn dreams come true!
Emily Emily!: Leaves & Lichen
Emily Emily!: Autumn Wilderness
Emily Emily!: Japanese Peace Garden (within Enger Park, Duluth, MN)
Emily Emily!: Much more fun when joined by a friend! ❤❤
Emily Emily!: Louisa found a baby fern just her size.... ❤
Emily Emily!: Bring us back to the car now, we're cold!!
Emily Emily!: I could stay up here all day; it's so peaceful above the trees....
Emily Emily!: Am I like Rapunzel now, waiting up in her high tower?
Emily Emily!: The view from up here is so lovely.... -Enger Tower, Duluth, MN-
Emily Emily!: "Look what I found! A puffy flower!"
Emily Emily!: It's so scenic in Duluth...
Emily Emily!: Arrived in Duluth, MN for a one-day vacation!
Emily Emily!: Sweet little Yoko...
Emily Emily!: I'm so pleased with how cute she turned out!! Just like I'd imagined...
Emily Emily!: Presenting Yoko, my first custom Yeolume!