KatFraser: Camping spot on the beach
KatFraser: Bananas arriving from upriver
KatFraser: Our first training group in Shiroles, Costa Rica!
KatFraser: Nutrition 101, day 2 in Shiroles
KatFraser: Seminar participants
KatFraser: Seminar participants
KatFraser: Shiroles, Costa Rica
KatFraser: Nutrition seminar put into practice!
KatFraser: Our first seminar in Shiroles, Costa Rica
KatFraser: Nutrition 101 seminar
KatFraser: Thank you to all the locals
KatFraser: Day 1 follies
KatFraser: "Carreterra en mal estado"
KatFraser: The long road ahead
KatFraser: Day 1:
KatFraser: No shame (it was day 1)
KatFraser: Kat and Kate
KatFraser: Ready to take on Central America
KatFraser: the morning of our departure from Panama
KatFraser: Preparations for the road
KatFraser: Banana fields of Bocas del Toro
KatFraser: My view for 2 years. I will miss it dearly. Adios, Cerro Iglesias.
KatFraser: Familia Los Santos.
KatFraser: Remember my rooster? We turned him into soup!
KatFraser: My favorites: Victor, Irvin, Virginia Santos
KatFraser: Mariano is the only visitor that gets the hammock at my house
KatFraser: Diosalina's family checking out my stoop sale
KatFraser: Florinda and Edilma cleaning out my yarn supply for the knitting group
KatFraser: A fancy house in my neighborhood