Elizabeth Sallee Bauer: Dreaming of a white Christmas
Dubus Laurent: Batterie de côte de Zuydcoote à Leffrinckoucke
naais: mistig
Mr Din: same evening... on Ipanema....
Ik ben Vink: Weg-geef-hond
Geert van Hurck: Villa Mieke
Mr Din: early birds on the beach
naais: 18
naais: 20
Erwin Keustermans: sticks and strings
J McSporran: Lochan Urr, Highlands, Scotlands
mikeh2o: Splash 2
Zonen 09 blog: Fabric Launch Zonen 09
Mr Din: Eiffel tower
Mr Din: tomato dive
Ik ben Vink: Cactus
Erwin Keustermans: flat colour, iPad drawing
Ik ben Vink: Lavendel
Erwin Keustermans: Ordered scribbling
Erwin Keustermans: rows of matching scribbles and some blobs
Miestaflet: Loving my new stamp. Prepared some bibs for the Silent Auction at the Elementary School fundraising event.
danny heijl: Cnicht, Moelwyn Mawr, Craig Ysgafn, Moelwyn bach
danny heijl: Pano o'r Cob, Porthmadog
Erwin Keustermans: not-so-different