Wandle2: picturesHellebore
Wandle2: Cruise to Barbados
Wandle2: My last summer rose .
Wandle2: Hibiscus 1
Wandle2: Acropolis May 2019. A 2 metre separation would have been good here !
Wandle2: St. George's Grenada
Wandle2: Cherries the birds missed.
Wandle2: v1DSCN8733 Sorry I do not know the name. Could it be Harebell?
Wandle2: Man & his dog
Wandle2: Abutilon outside the window
Wandle2: Shrub at St. Luke's Church
Wandle2: DSCN8621 Enough for a daisy chain?
Wandle2: After the rain 001
Wandle2: After the rain
Wandle2: IMG_5210
Wandle2: Shrub blossom IMG_5209
Wandle2: Making the most of it
Wandle2: IMG_5206
Wandle2: The last Magolia flower IMG_5191
Wandle2: Cherry Blossom IMG_5181
Wandle2: Cherry Tree
Wandle2: Bride's tree
Wandle2: Bluebells in the garden
Wandle2: Paul MG_5168
Wandle2: DSCN5123 LISBON
Wandle2: Magnolia 1 IMG_5110
Wandle2: Green Woodpecker taken throught the window.
Wandle2: I My neighbpur's tree MG_5049
Wandle2: Camelia IMG_5044
Wandle2: Colour in Grenada IMG_4933