Busy Doctor: Ina III
Busy Doctor: Ina II
Busy Doctor: Ina IV
Busy Doctor: Garbo smiling
Busy Doctor: Ina VI
Busy Doctor: Regina O. Queen O
Busy Doctor: Rock chick
Busy Doctor: Tribute to the legend
Busy Doctor: Raluca III
Busy Doctor: RALUCA II
Busy Doctor: RALUCA I
Busy Doctor: Ruff Times Happy Thoughts
Busy Doctor: RALUCA V
Busy Doctor: Raluca VI
Busy Doctor: Sergiu
Busy Doctor: Ganduri
Busy Doctor: Un om fara griji. A man without worries.
Busy Doctor: Autoportret. Selfportrait
Busy Doctor: The smile of innocence
Busy Doctor: The face of youth
Busy Doctor: Mr.Doru Ciobanu
Busy Doctor: Dr.Traian Caldare
Busy Doctor: Blue mood
Busy Doctor: Ina VIII
Busy Doctor: Early Morning Portret
Busy Doctor: Ovidiu-best friend since 1998
Busy Doctor: coffee break I
Busy Doctor: coffee break II