Busy Doctor: solitude 2
Busy Doctor: Solitude
Busy Doctor: IMG_20180926_211409_702
Busy Doctor: IMG_20181003_161238_446
Busy Doctor: My Sunshine
Busy Doctor: Magic place
Busy Doctor: Magic place
Busy Doctor: Magic place
Busy Doctor: Magic place
Busy Doctor: My blondes
Busy Doctor: My blondes
Busy Doctor: My cribb
Busy Doctor: My cribb
Busy Doctor: My cribb
Busy Doctor: My cribb
Busy Doctor: ... morning offroad
Busy Doctor: ... now I understand
Busy Doctor: IRIS The greatest Romanian rock band of all time!
Busy Doctor: IRIS The greatest Romanian rock band of all time!
Busy Doctor: IRIS The greatest Romanian rock band of all time!
Busy Doctor: IMG_20180222_184529_422
Busy Doctor: IMG_20180222_184841_086
Busy Doctor: IMG_20180222_185211_417
Busy Doctor: IMG_20180222_185515_920
Busy Doctor: ...some daddy time!
Busy Doctor: Fender Jaguarillo
Busy Doctor: IMG_20171005_192059_178
Busy Doctor: ...deflowering
Busy Doctor: My "Blond" Tempest
Busy Doctor: 2017-05-26_02-54-53