Busy Doctor: Mioritza reloaded
Busy Doctor: Sadova I. Suceava
Busy Doctor: Sadova II. Suceava
Busy Doctor: Fericire. Happiness
Busy Doctor: Sura din Sadova. Sadova Barn
Busy Doctor: Apus pe Tatarasi 2010. Sundown over Tatarasi Curch 2010
Busy Doctor: Stupca(Ciprian Porumbescu).Suceava 2010
Busy Doctor: Vulvarhitectura
Busy Doctor: Mormantul lui Edison. Edisons Grave.
Busy Doctor: Locul dat uitarii. The forgotten place.
Busy Doctor: Fantana disparuta. The vanished fountain
Busy Doctor: Punte peste ape involburate.Bridge over troubled water
Busy Doctor: Casa de Cultura a Sindicatelor Suceava
Busy Doctor: Un om fara griji. A man without worries.
Busy Doctor: 2 giganti!
Busy Doctor: Prefectura.Suceava.Romania 2008
Busy Doctor: Biserica Domnitelor.Suceava.Romania 2006
Busy Doctor: Fetele focului.The doughters of fire.2008
Busy Doctor: Cinema Modern
Busy Doctor: Copacul. The Tree
Busy Doctor: Suceava 2010
Busy Doctor: Parcul 3 Barbosi
Busy Doctor: Biserica Catolica
Busy Doctor: History Repeating
Busy Doctor: Modern Cinema in Rehab
Busy Doctor: Dragos Voda Street
Busy Doctor: CN Stefan cel Mare Suceava
Busy Doctor: biserica luterana.lutheran church
Busy Doctor: ciprian pormbescu
Busy Doctor: postal office