vanessak294: CH-12300
recadosdri: Unesco Shirakawa village33
Genek´s cards: from StarrySky (Germany)
postcardsMN: WI_ApostleIsland_SeaCaves_01
ichabodhides: Isle of Lewis, Scotland
Genek´s cards: Amagertorv - Strøget
Genek´s cards: Surprise swap from Violet (Germany)
rgarrigus: Postcard from New Zealand
ourpostcards: UK 028
☆clarividence(>▽<)♥: Edition of cards of Paris i want- 101.362
irheee: Geiranger (Norway)
postcardsMN: AK_PortageGlacier_01
Treksek: FI280126 from Sannanen
oyuki0805: reserved
sarip63: GR Patra lighthouse
Lilla67: Old and New Towns of Edinburgh
ichabodhides: The Royal Mile, Edinburgh
PihkaK: Toscana, Italy - GONE
jasmine8559: Greece
Veeder73: Dallas night skyline
whym1nd: Boston
naya_hachi: Enjoying-sunset-at-Kuta-Beach
Dahliaa: Reserved
postcards55: Chang Island (out-of-stock)
Micéu (postcards for trade): PT - 105 - UNESCO NOT AVAILABLE
anna_postcardswap: California Coast (not available)
postcardsMN: CA_Coast